Tuesday, May 1, 2007

something's coming

Mayday. Beltane. Blessings. Today I celebrated this glorious day by removing my wedding ring. My soon-to-X-husband and I stood together this morning, in the warmth of the sun, and each took the rings off and put them away. We said "I love you" hugged, smiled, and carried on with this little adventure.

It was an intoxicating start to the day. I felt a bit gloomy as the sun set, and my daughter splashed ice water on my internal celebration when she looked up at me and said "Where's your wedding ring?" I replied "Dad and I decided not to wear them." She stomped her foot, leaned her head into me, and said nothing.

Now, she's sleeping, he's on a date, I'm in my flannels at the computer, and I can hear the peepers outside. Things are changing, something's coming, who knows what tomorrow may bring. Blessed Beltane.

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