Saturday, May 26, 2007

free and easy

A person can't live on Honey Bunches of Oats alone. Well, that is unless she's house/dog sitting near the beach and still hasn't gotten dressed and is on her fourth large ice coffee. Yes, this means life is VERY good! The house for which I am sitting is the home of excellent home brewers with great taste in music. (The dog is pretty amazing too.) So, good beer, good coffee, good music, no appointments, nobody asking me to drive them anywhere, and a full box of Honey Bunches of Oats!

The only objective for the next three days is to conquer three rather intimidating writing projects, so you may have guessed that blog writing is a distraction from the assigned task. I bet I'll be back quite a few times this Memorial day weekend.

May all your grills be hot, your beer cold, and your smiles free and easy.

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