Wednesday, March 28, 2007

organic cheese curls AREN'T cheetos

OK - I've already kicked myself in the ass and I have an idea why I was so down. I fucked up today. I went to the wrong job this morning and worked for a few hours, then went to the other job and everybody was pretty pissed that I had pulled a no show. With my recent history, they thought that something terrible had happened. Oopps. So started the day feeling like an idiot. Then later I ran into someone in this little small town of ours who, how can I say this?....she basically made it vivadly clear that she didn't aprove of me. Let's just say "the hairy eyeball" is NOT descriptive enough. It was like a brand new kick in the head when I had conviced myself that the kicks in the head were coming to an end.

So my answer? Use the EASIET recipe for the steak, because failure is not an option, my ego couldn't take it. Then treat myself to some cheese snacks and a beer before dinner - but wait! Those aren't cheetos, those are organic baked cheese curls!!!! Damn, kicked in the head again.

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