Sunday, March 18, 2007

Catching up on DVDs

Sunday night. So this is the end of the first weekend when "the kids are with Dad". How was it for me? Well, I caught up on the DVDs that I felt I should have already seen. Little Miss Sunshine, Da Vinci Code, Devil Wears Prada. LMS was as good as everyone said, DaVincci code was better than everyone said it would be (which isn't saying much because everyone told me it was awful), and Devil Wears Prada was fun to watch with my girls. The wierd thing is, I lived parts of that movie. I was the "fat smart" assistant for a Dragon Lady. She was not a fashionista, she was a Broadway Producer, but not too far off the mark from the character Meryl Streep brought to life. Luckily I also chose to see the goodness of a living a genuine, uber-liberal, lower middle (or upper lower) class existance while watching or reading about the people I had been making dinner reservations for.

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