Tuesday, April 3, 2007

The Easter Bunny can take care of it

Money stress sucks. It's that simple. I mean, I've had some spectacular emotional growth and self analysis breakthroughs (as well as professional analysis, don't worry). Just when I get a real sense of self-worth, and take joy in the sunrise, and laugh with my kids....I get the news that daughter number two needs even more orthodonture than daughter number one. shit. Money stress sucks.

Went shopping with the younger today, she needs running shoes (not a sport I have ever understood, but she's starting in a jogging club on Monday, and she's eight!). So running shoes, and of course the goth styled Vans knock-offs that were on sale. Oh, and a quick stop in the fabric store because she is in a pillow making phase. She had to get some new fabrics for the six pillows she has planned for the guest room. OK...then I wander into Newbury Comics and pass up a new Amy W. CD, which is what I want. As we leave she says "What about the Ugly Dolls that you promised us for Easter?" Unfortunately, she's right. I did promise them, and she's no fool, she waited until the sneakers, and the fabric were already purchased to remind me. So a quick forty bucks later we have two new Ugly Dolls for Easter. We cross the parking lot with all our bundles and she says "Since you got the Ugly Dolls, I gues that the Easter Bunny will have to take care of all the stuff in the baskets." I wonder if the Easter Bunny covers braces?

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