Friday, May 4, 2007

Remeber the bike?

My Mom gave me an unpleasant reality check last night. Very maternal of her. She said, on the phone, "It sounds like your too busy helping out everyone else. Are you remembering to do anything for just you and the girls? or even just You?" I confess, I have had people over for dinner twice this week. I've gone to an evening board meeting, and tonight I'm cohosting an indian food and beer party with a friend. Then, of course, I'm driving 2 hours with my kids this weekend to help a friend with a monolgue. So I woke up thinking, "holy shit, Mom was actually right" - (It is difficult for me to admit this). That being thought, I decide to go in to work a little late, and ride my bike. This I do for me. This is nice thinking time, or it would be, unless it's the not-so-cool, hand-me-down, girlfriend of the soon-to-be-X-husband bike, and the tire begins wobbling uncontrollably 800 yards from home. This does not fulfil the need to do something for me. Not one bit.

Now I'll just have to leave work early and buy extra beer to go with the Indian food. That will be for me.

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